Thursday 8 November 2012

How SSL Certificates Power Can Make or Break your Online Business


SSL Certificates provide a sense of trust in the business

In the fast-paced, need it now world we live in today it is sometimes imperative to slow down, smell the roses and make an informed decision which will dramatically impact the success or failure of your online business. And one of the most important decisions you can make as an online business owner is to install a highly trusted SSL Certificate software program that will show your customers that you actively care about their online shopping safety and security.

In the business world of today, finding important ways to connect to your customers is becoming an important step in achieving total online business success. And according to 75% of the online shopping community, the first thing they look towards when making any online purchase is that the website they are using is protected by a verified SSL Certificate of protection. Whether this is provided by Comodo or one of the Symantec brands, it has become apparent that without one of these reliable brands powering your website, your customers will simply click away and find somebody who has one installed.

There are other reasons why having a reliable SSL Certificate is critical to increasing consumer confidence in your online market place including;

SSL Certificates provide a sense of trust in the business

Besides providing your customers with trust in shopping online on your website, having a recognized and powerful SSL Certificate also shows consumers that your company has integrity and cares about the future of their business. Here is why;

  • When a company takes time to consider safety and security of any part of their business, most consumers take this as an active of proactive leadership. For example; if two companies manufacture identical products - but one offers their customers a money-back guarantee if they are ever dissatisfied and the other one does not; which one will consumers choose? The answer is simple; they will pick the company that provides them with the guarantee and assurance that if they are not satisfied, they will make things better.

  • When a company takes the lead in making sure to install a high quality SSL Certificate, they are also showing consumers that everything they do is built on quality. This means, every ingredient they put into their product is top-shelf, the manufacturing process in of high-quality and the customer service is also above expectations. Believe it or not, many consumers are very smart and can figure out how to separate the winners from losers in business simply due to how they protect their customer's online shopping habits.

  • Finally, when a business uses a powerful SSL Certificate for their website, it develops brand affection. This is the most powerful tool in marketing as it makes your customers loyal to your brand and will actively seek out your products and services above the competitors. Don't believe me; just take a look at what Ford Motor Company has done in business since the automotive bailout. They didn't take a penny from Uncle Sam and consumers recognized this and bought more Ford's than any other US-manufactured brand name.
When you simplify the choice of buying an SSL Certificate to power your website, make sure you pick one that is of high quality as it can significantly impact your customers view on how you conduct business.
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A Hard Lesson I learned about Protecting a Laptop While Traveling


Tips and Hints from a Guy who learned the hard way

Have you ever had a situation where you thought you were doing everything you can to prevent a problem only to discover that you've totally screwed up due to lack of knowledge? Well - that's pretty much my story when it comes to finding ways to protect my laptop from others who take advantage of my incompetence and stole a ton of my private information and nearly drained my bank account in a period of three hours.

What you're going to read is 100% true and an event that happened to me about a year ago while I was traveling on business. The names have been removed to protect the retarded - in this case; me.

When I purchased my laptop computer two years ago, I thought that it came with the best virus protection software available - Norton's SSL security and anti-virus protection. The truth is that like most laptops purchased these days it included a 'basic' program which only provided me a few 'free' protection programs and if I wanted to 'discover the full potential of the security suite' it would cost me a nice chunk of cash for the online upgrade.

Well unfortunately for the Norton folks, I am not feeble minded and the Jedi-Mind Trick does not work on me so I chose to decline the offer to upgrade my security software. This was my first mistake.

I was sitting at the airport in Las Vegas when I signed onto the free Wi-Fi connection. I decided I needed to pay my car payment online while my flight to Chicago was delayed for an hour - apparently for the pilots to grab another drink or something. I did my normal thing of typing in my information, including my bank account information such as my routing number, bank address, account number and even my social security number for the log-in information. I processed the payment and thought everything was cool.

I then logged onto an online website to buy some tickets for a sporting event I was going to attend in Chicago in day #2 of my trip. No problem, just enter your name, address, phone number and credit card info - just like I've done hundreds of times before. Again, there was nothing new here - same thing I've done a ton of times prior.

I got on the plane 35 minutes later, arrived in Chicago and turned on my phone to check my email. When my phone loaded, I was bombarded by about 12 emails from my credit card company and my bank asking me to approve the purchases totaling $6,878.43. Needless to say, I was a bit ticked off. Fortunately, my bank and credit card companies are very good about identity theft and blocked nearly all of the transactions. But, it also blocked use of my primary credit card that I used to reserve my hotel room, car rental and buy those tickets.

This created a huge mess. So, what could I have done to prevent this from happening in the first place?

I could have used an affordable product like one I eventually found called Comodo TrustConnect. This product keeps your information private while you are on a public internet session. This wireless security software is designed to keep the information you are typing on your computer inaccessible from hackers whose primary job in life is to be low-life scum who steal people's private information.

It also is cool because it basically creates a protective shield around your total computer, smart phone or any other wireless device you can use so no matter what you're entering onto your mobile device - the information will STAY on your device and won't put you in the same boat I was in previously.

Remember, no matter where you're at that has a public WiFi feed that you connect to; the hotel, coffee shop, airport, airplane even at home - if you do what I did and not take the extra measure to protect your computer from this type of hack, you might set yourself up for the same hassles I had to go through. The Comodo programs are great ones, but please make sure you find something to protect your computer and other mobile devices from hackers like the ones who took valuable information from me.

Learn from my stupidity....and protect your mobile device to ensure this doesn't happen to you.

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A Guide for Small Business to Understand How SSL Works for them


How Does SSL Work for a Business website?

If you are a small business owner and have the computer knowledge of a fifth grade student doesn't worry - you're not alone. In today's world many people who start small businesses have just enough computer knowledge to be successful with business, but just don't have the knowledge base to draw from to comprehend how the programs they use daily actually work.

This doesn't mean you're stupid or even computer illiterate; it simply means you just don't get it. Well, in a world that is built on learning more every day, one thing that every business owner 'gets' is how trends and concepts effect their customers buying habits - especially if they own an online business of some sort. And one of the most important things they need to understand is how an Digital SSL Certificate installed on your website can protect your business from security threats, but also provide your customers with a highly important safety measure to protect their vital records and personal information.

Here are the basics about SSL and what it does to protect you the business owner and your company website.


SSL stand for Secure Sockets Layer. It is an online protocol that is used to communicate over an internet connection in a secured way. SSL security technology uses cryptography in order to make sure all communication between the host (that's you) and your User (that's your customers) is 100% secure and inaccessible from third party users (that's the bad guys who are looking to steal your private information that sit in 1970's vans and most likely live in their parents basements - ok, we're probably exaggerating that last part, but you get the point).

The SSL Technology allows the host and user to share a common password or 'SECURITY KEY' which allows the secured Website (yours) to share its encrypted computer code with the user (Customer) through a secured displayed network.

How Does SSL Work for a Business website?

So, now that you understand the basics on what SSL is (and just to clarify, SSL is spelled out and is an acronym, not a single word that sounds like ESEL - yes, I've heard business owners of multi-million dollar companies actually pronounce the word), it's important to understand how it will impact your business.

First, you have to buy an SSL Certificate India's 1st Industrial and Business Supplies Store" from a reliable vendor. Software security development companies such as Comodo are great people to work with - especially if you are a small business owner. They have SSL Digital Certificates that deliver tons of different perks and benefits to protect you and your customers. There are other companies on the market, so do some research and find one that interests you best.

Now, this is how the program actually works:

  • Your company needs to provide a secured shopping platform for your customers.

  • You buy an SSL Digital Security Certificate program that will ensure this becomes reality.

  • The SSL Digital Security Certificate is installed by your website expert on the server where the website is actually hosted.

  • When you customers visit the website, they will know it's an SSL protected site by looking in the top left part of the URL bar (that's where you type in the website you want to visit address by doing the or whatever method you use to access a website). When they look on the left side of this address bar, they will see the letters https, and a highlighted box that will allow them to click and verify that the server they are using is safe and secure.

  • This provides your customers with confidence, increases your sales and allows you to buy that cool yacht you've always wanted.

Nuff said.

It really is simple to understand how important an SSL Digital Certificate can be when you simplify the process and realize it's all about customer service in the end.
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